27 mei 2010

Hallo wereld ...

mijn Thesis dashboard staat klaar.
De komende weken gaan we een eerste website van dit theme maken en ontdekken!


* wp-content/themes/thesis /
o archives.php
o comments.php
o custom_template.php
o custom-monster /
+ cache /
+ custom_functions.php
+ aangepast custom.css
+ images /
+ layout.css
+ rotator /
# sample-1.jpg
# sample-2.jpg
# sample-3.jpg
# sample-4.jpg
# sample-5.jpg
o functions.php
o index.php
o lib /
+ admin /
# admin.php
# file_editor.php
# options_manager.php
# options_post.php
+ changelog.txt
+ klassen /
# comments.php
# css.php
# fonts.php
# head.php
# javascript.php
# options_design.php
# options_page.php
# options_site.php
+ css /
# ie.css
# options.css
+ functies /
# comments.php
# compatibility.php
# content.php
# document.php
# feature_box.php
# launch.php
# loop.php
# multimedia_box.php
# nav_menu.php
# post_images.php
# teasers.php
# version.php
# widgets.php
+ html /
# content_box.php
# footer.php
# frameworks.php
# header.php
# hooks.php
# sidebars.php
# templates.php
+ images /
# bullet.gif
# ddd-1 × 2.gif
# dot-ddd.gif
# icon-email.gif
# icon-rss.gif
# icon-swatch.png
# submit-bg.gif
+ talen /
# thesis.pot
+ scripts /
# confirm.js
# jscolor /
* arrow.gif
* cross.gif
* hs.png
* hv.png
* jscolor.js
# thesis.js
# thumb.php
o no_sidebars.php
o screenshot.png
o style.css
o terms_of_service.txt

2 opmerkingen:

Anoniem zei

lipomas can pesco�o � logo associada a preju�zo est�tico e geralmente causam grande preocupa��o em pacientes e familiares.

Also visit my webpage - http://lipomasource.com/

Anoniem zei

lupus panniculitis is the most common causes. Wellbutrin:
Wellbutrin is a disease that affects major organs of the therapy
did not follow the advice and recommendations to enable myself to stop
taking it.

my web page ... Town And Country lupus treatment


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